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Reading Intent, Implementation & Impact

Read, Write, Inc. Phonics

At Cross Lane Primary School, we use Read, Write Inc. as our Systematic Synthetic Phonics programme. The programme is followed with fidelity and rigor by teachers and teaching assistants. Children are assessed and streamed into ability groups every half term. 

Please go to our Phonics Information Page for more information. 

Talk Through Stories

Talk Through Stories is for four to six-year-old children. It is designed to extend and deepen children’s vocabulary so that they can understand the books they will soon be able to read for themselves. 

It is taught for 30 minutes everyday in Receptiion and KS1. It is made up of 20 minutes story time and 10 minutes vocabulary time- both which involve valuabe TALK. We choose stories that we believe are worth reading and re-reading – stories that children will love and that is why children love this special story time each day. The vocabualry that is taught is displayed in the classroom and shared on Seesaw so children can use the vocabualry across the curriculum and at home. 


From Year 2 onwards, children are taught to read in daily whole-class reading sessions. Teachers follow a carefully thought out sequence of teaching to ensure children learn key reading skills. Comprehension is taught through high quality texts, excerpts and books, children use VIPERS skills to understand what they have read.

VIPERS Questions to use at home are above

Children are assessed using a variety of methods to support teacher judgement. 

  • Accelerated Reader STAR Reader Tests (half termly)
  • NFER Assessments (termly).

A Love of Reading


Reading Pets. Every child who reads at least 3 times a week with an
adult will be entered into the READING PET RAFFLE. The class reading
pet and a story book will be brought home with your child for the weekend
 to enjoy some reading time in your home.

Book Worm Certificates. Every read counts! Teachers record
the number of times each child reads and children can earn a Book Worm
Certificate for their achievements.

Library Visits: We have special links with Elland Library and are lucky that evert class can visit the Library every term. 

Core texts - Reading Overviews

nursery readingReception readingKS1 AKS1 BLKS2 ALKS2 BYear 5 readingYear 6 reading
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