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Primary school applications 

If your child was born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021, they will be due to start Primary School in September 2025. You can apply online:

The admissions portal for applications is open between the 19th November 2024 - 15th January 2025.   Please click here for Calderdale's Online Admission Guidance. 

Parents/guardians with children resident in Calderdale will need to apply for a school place online at www.calderdale.gov.uk/admissions.  Parents/guardians may view or amend their online application throughout the preferencing period from 19 November 2024 until 15 January 2025.  An automated email will be sent to the parent/guardian as acknowledgment of receipt once the application has been submitted.   Parents/guardians may also request that the offer of a school place is received by email.

Offers of school places will be made on National Offer Day, which is 16th April 2025.

Parents of children resident outside of Calderdale will need to submit their application to their home local authority.

Apply for a school place

Calderdale Council co-ordinates admissions to all schools within Calderdale. If you live within Calderdale , you must complete a Calderdale online application, even if you wish to choose a school outside the Calderdale area as one of your preferences. Parents of children resident outside Calderdale, who want to apply for a Calderdale school must apply through their home local authority. 

Information can be found here

Apply for a school place online

A copy of our school admission policy is available here. 

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