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Woodland Learning at Cross Lane


Our Woodland Site

Woodland and Forest School sessions take place in the small woodland at the back of the school. The site is within the school grounds and not accessible to the general public. It includes a pond with a boardwalk around it, a wide variety of trees including alder, hazel, oak, sycamore, beech, holly, hawthorn, birch, maple, ash, rowan, elder and also a willow dome. It has a fire pit, a clearing with benches around it and a large mud pit. The wood has many different types of flora including: wild garlic, ivy, bluebells, daffodils, lily of the valley, brambles, nettles, fern, honeysuckle, dog rose and snowdrops.


Aims of Woodland Learning

Woodland learning at Cross Lane aims to:

  • Develop self-esteem.
  • Develop self-confidence.
  • Develop independence; children are able to develop a sense of self- worth and achieve their full potential.
  • Develop communication skills.
  • Form positive relationships with others.
  • Develop a growing awareness of their emotional needs and the needs of others.
  • Learn to cooperate and work with their peers and adults.
  • Develop strategies in order to take risks within the boundaries of safety.
  • Encourages an appreciation, awareness and knowledge of the natural environment.
  • Learn to respect and care for their own local environment.
  • To develop skills and learn to use tools and equipment safely.
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