PSHE Leader
Mrs. Bateson is the Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) leader at Cross Lane. She is passionate about the curriculum offer at Cross Lane, which incorporates the school's values, half-termly themes, Fundamental British Values, RSE and Pol-Ed lessons designed by West Yorkshire Police.
Mrs. Bateson works closely with Mrs. Greenwood and Mrs. Wyatt and the pupil voice groups in school to provide opportunities for children to extent their personal development beyond PSHE lessons and into wider school life. She is the Diversity Defenders leader.
The Diverity Defenders lead special campaigns and teach the rest of the school about different National and International days and celebrations throughout the year.

PSHE Overview 2024-2025

Click the link below to view the full PSHE overview for 2023-2024.
Cross Lane Personal Development & PSHE Overview 2024-2025
PSHE Intent, Implementation & Impact